The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) is a professional medical society that represents 3,900 physicians and other health care providers interested in the specialty of colon and rectal surgery. Join your colleagues and discover the advantages of networking with your peers and attending educational events designed for the colon and rectal surgeon. Become involved in the premier professional medical organization that represents your specialty.
ASCRS members are dedicated to advancing and promoting the science and practice of the treatment of patients with diseases and disorders affecting the colon, rectum, and anus. ASCRS is committed to helping its members achieve this goal through a robust and expanding set of benefits.
Benefits of Being an ASCRS Member
Education/Operative Competency - Discounts for Members
Annual Scientific Meeting
- Hands-on workshops on latest surgical techniques
- More than 400 oral and ePoster abstracts
- Opportunities to earn CME and Self-Assessment (MOC) credit
Clinical Practice Guidelines
ASCRS U Education Portal
- Access all ASCRS educational programs and content in one place
- 24/7 unlimited on-demand streaming
- Includes the new interactive ASCRS Textbook
- Searchable by topic
Diseases of the Colon and Rectum (DC&R) Journal related:
- Podcasts
- Videos
- Journal club
- International education scholarships
- Online Resource Library
- Webinars
DC&R Journal – Included in cost of membership
- Print and online versions
- Topical collections
Patient Education Brochures - Discounts for Members
Online Weekly Digest to members
ASCRS Textbook and Manual
Online Membership Directory
Listing in the patient-directed Find-A-Surgeon search engine
Leadership Development
Surgical Leadership Institute
Committee/Task Force membership and leadership
Opportunities for Early Career Members
Young Researchers Committee
Young Surgeons Committee
Mentoring program
Resident Receptions
ASCRS offers several types of membership