
About Us

The primary mission of the Research Foundation of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons is to raise and award funds to support research and educational programs related to colon and rectal diseases.  Over more than twenty years, the Research Foundation has awarded over $6 million to colorectal surgeons and researchers to investigate a broad spectrum of colorectal diseases and to develop novel surgical techniques pertinent to the care of colorectal patients. 

Grants and Awards

There are two cycles of funding opportunities, spring and fall, with submission deadlines on March 15 and August 15. Other grant categories are funded if and when resources permit as determined by the Board of Trustees. Potential applicants are advised to contact the Research Foundation office well in advance of any proposed application date to seek clarification and advice about the forthcoming funding cycle. 

View Grant Writing Suggestions


CREATE (Colorectal REsearch Aims review by a Team of Experts) was initiated as a program to enable budding colorectal surgeon scientists to have a collective review of their proposals. Please join us for a monthly multi-institutional virtual meeting of colorectal surgeon-scientists for the express purpose of reviewing a specific aims page. Watch for the Zoom link in the weekly Digest eblast to members on Monday mornings. CREATE Zoom meetings occur every second Tuesday of the month.


Grants awarded by the Research Foundation have touched the lives of students and general surgery residents who are considering colorectal surgery as a career, colorectal surgeons who want to further their research knowledge, and, in the long run, our patients who benefit from the focus on research.  For many award recipients, it is the beginning of a career in medicine with a concentration on research to find solutions for the future.

View Grant Recipient Testimonials


DC&R Articles

Newsletters and Annual Reports

Other Grant Giving Organizations

The Young Researchers Committee of the Research Foundation of the ASCRS wishes to promote research in our field.  We have gathered a list of organization that have recently offered funding opportunities that might be of interest to physicians in training or in the early stages of their career. The list of available grants and awards that are currently accepting applications is continuously changing, so in most cases we have provided links to the funding source main grants page where currently available grants and awards are listed. We hope that this brief guide is of help to those seeking research opportunities in the field of colon and rectal surgery and wish you well in your future endeavors.

View Other Grant Giving Organizations