Frank C. Yeomans

1924 to 1925

At the outset I wish to express to you my sincere appreciation of the honor conferred in selecting me as your presiding officer for the year now closing. My efforts to discharge the duties will, I trust, merit your approval.

The New York-London meeting of last year closed the quarter century of our organization and the fact that seventeen members attended the adjourned meeting in London is ample proof of our fine spirit. Traditional British hospitality, frank scientific discussions and excellent clinics made this first pilgrimage an unqualified success. Arrangements for a return visit would evidence in a substantial way our warm appreciation.

The Society is now beginning its second generation. The high character and lofty ideals of its founders have done much to remove proctology from unethical practice and establish it as a specialty in scientific medicine. Many of the founders, however, have passed on or ceased to be active, and it remains for us to perpetuate their efforts.

The primary purposes of a special society are to promote fellowship, cement friendship and disseminate true knowledge. A fine spirit of fellowship and friendship has always pervaded our meetings. The annual publication of the Transactions is the evidence of our scientific work. They are now kept on file in over one hundred libraries. After all the Transactions are the permanent record of our achievements.