George H. Thiele

1947 to 1948

The specialty of proctology in the United States was born .in 1899 with the founding of the American Proctologic Society at Columbus, Ohio. For almost fifty years our members have worked in behalf of our specialty but it is true, nevertheless, that in all probability this Society will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary only as the parent of a subspecialty of general surgery, having failed to produce an independent specialty. We must admit that so far general surgery, foster parent of proctology, has controlled its destiny. The American Proctologic Society is not entirely without blame for this situation.

In three important respects this Society has failed to fulfill its obligations to its members:

1) It has failed in its efforts to obtain an independent Board of Proctology;
2) it has failed to promote and activate an adequate teaching program for the undergraduate medical student, to provide adequate residency training for the graduate student and to provide a broad educational program for the benefit of those general practitioners and surgeons who wish to learn more about proctology;
3) it has failed to provide adequate opportunities for membership in this Society