10-Minute Experts

Tuesday, May 3, 10:15 - 11:45 am

CME Credit Hours: 1.5

In an evidence-based environment driven by research, data and outcomes, we often overlook the fact that surgery remains as much an art form as it is a field of science. Technical prowess not only requires the core procedural knowledge but also years of self-evaluation and evolution to become a ‘Expert’.
This session will showcase nationally recognized master surgeons as they discuss their areas of expertise in a candid, informal format. The speakers will present a brief synopsis of their clinical / technical approach and the rationale behind doing it “their way”. 


At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
  1. Evaluate the pros and cons of a variety of Total Neoadjuvant Therapy protocols and contemporary management of stage IV colorectal cancer.
  2. Explore the technical nuances of the LIFT procedure, parastomal hernia repair and modified two stage J-pouch procedure.
  3. Discuss the novel elements in SSI prevention bundles.


Syed Husain, MD, Columbus, OH

Skandan Shanmugan, MD, Philadelphia, PA
10:15 am            
Syed Husain, MD, Columbus, OH
Skandan Shanmugan, MD, Philadelphia, PA
10:20 am            
Surgical Management of Stage IV Colorectal Cancer

Najjia Mahmoud, MD, Philadelphia, PA.
10:30 am            
Skandan Shanmugan, MD, Philadelphia, PA
10:35 am            
Three Stage vs Modified Two Stage J Pouches
Evangelos Messaris, MD, PhD, Boston, MA
10:45 am            
Syed Husain, MD, Columbus, OH
10:50 am            

Joshua Bleier, MD, Philadelphia, PA
11:00 am            
Skandan Shanmugan, MD, Philadelphia, PA
11:05 am            
TNT for Rectal Cancer. What, When and How Much?
Matthew Kalady, MD, Columbus, OH
11:15 am            
Syed Husain, MD, Columbus, OH
11:20 am            
SSI Prevention Bundles
Traci Hedrick, MD, Charlottesville, VA
11:30 am            
Syed Husain, MD, Columbus, OH
11:35 am            
Parastomal Hernia Repairs (Pre-recorded)
Janice Rafferty, MD, Cincinnati, OH
11:45 am            