There are two cycles of funding opportunities, spring and fall, with submission deadlines on March 15 and August 15. Other grant categories are funded if and when resources permit as determined by the Board of Trustees. Potential applicants are advised to contact the Research Foundation office well in advance of any proposed application date to seek clarification and advice about the forthcoming funding cycle. Members are encouraged to contact the chair of the Research Committee directly for points of clarification. Please see contact information at the bottom of the page.
Grant Writing Suggestions
Grant Update: 2023 Calendar Year
Recommended by the Research Committee and approved by the Board; for 2023 we will offer the following awards: the Career Development Award ($75,000/year for two years), the Eugene Salvati, MD, Limited Project Grant, (Up to $25,000/year), Special Emphasis Limited Project Grant: Colorectal Surgery and Health Equity, (Up to $20,000/year), Medical Student Research Initiation Grants ($4,000), International Fellowship Grants ($12,500/year), and the General Surgery Resident Research Initiation Grants ($20,000/year). The number of Research in Robotic Surgical Technology Grants to be awarded will continue to depend on industry funding.
Foundation leadership has taken decisive action to operate responsibly and realistically within current budget constraints, and with respect for the investment of members and corporate partners in the continued long-term health of the Foundation.
November 27 application deadline:
Grant Recipient Testimonials
Grants awarded by the Research Foundation have touched the lives of students and general surgery residents who are considering colorectal surgery as a career, colorectal surgeons who want to further their research knowledge, and, in the long run, our patients who benefit from the focus on research. Read testimonials from our grant recipients here.
Contact Information:
Research Foundation Administrative Office
Email: [email protected]
Other Grant Giving Organizations
Research Project Bank of Colorectal Research
The Young Researchers Committee of the Research Foundation of ASCRS wishes to promote research in our field. We have gathered a list of ongoing research projects that might be of interest to physicians in training. View other grant giving organizations here.