To attract General Surgery Residents into the field of colon and rectal surgery by providing opportunities to engage in clinical or laboratory-based research focused on diseases of the colon, rectum and anus.
$20,000 per year for 1 year. An opportunity for a second year of funding is available via a competitive renewal application. A complete application the following year with a full review by the Research Foundation is required to obtain a second year of funding.
- GSRRIG may be used for research activities, salary and living expenses.
- GSRRIG is limited to “Direct Cost Only” budgets. Additional indirect costs will not be approved.
Proposal Deadline
August 15
Review/Notification Date
- Must be General Surgical Residents or recent (within 2 years) Graduates of a US or Canadian approved General Surgery Training Program.
- Applicant must have designated time for research and no clinical responsibility.
- Preference is given to applicants with research or clinical career goals in the field of Colon & Rectal Surgery and whose research Mentor or Co-Investigator is a Fellow of ASCRS.
The Research Foundation of the ASCRS uses a web-based platform for all grant submissions. Full instructions are available on the site in the top-right hand corner of the screen.
Applicants will log in to their ASCRS account to submit a grant application. Applicants do not need to be an ASCRS member but do need to have an ASCRS account. When the applicant clicks the Submit Grant button, they will be directed to the ScholarOne Portal, to sign in or to create an account.
Preparing Application Materials:
Applicants will be asked to enter or upload necessary information to submit a grant application, available here.

Important Information*
- Keep a record of Control ID number, which can be found on the top right corner on each page of the submission template. When communicating with the Research Foundation and the ScholarOne Customer Care Team, please include the Control ID as a reference.
- Note that some institutions have firewalls that make it difficult to receive communications from the submission site. To ensure uninterrupted email delivery, please whitelist amazonses.com and abstractcentral.com domains.
- Do not forget to click the submit button (at the bottom of Step 6: Review and Submit). If the system is exited without submitting, the submission will be saved and will appear in the “DRAFT” section of the system “View Submissions” page upon re-entering the system.
- Notifications and correspondence will be sent to the email address in the ASCRS account. Correspondence can be obtained by clicking on the Messages in the grey bar at the top right of the screen in the system.
- Applicants should receive a confirmation email after submission (please check spam/junk folders for this email). To prevent this, add [email protected] and [email protected] to address book. If an email confirmation is not received, please contact [email protected].
- Applicants should use Chrome to submit grant applications. Pop-up Blocker must be turned off for submission.
Need Help?
Technical questions or problems with the system should be directed to the ScholarOne Customer Care Team. They can be reached by clicking the "Help" link in the top right-hand corner of the screen in the ScholarOne system or by emailing [email protected]. Please include your Control ID number, name, phone, email and an explanation of the problem in all support correspondence. ScholarOne Customer Care is available Monday 12:00 a.m. through Friday 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time, +1-855-258-5858 (US) or +44 8003288044 (EMEA).
For grant-specific questions, please contact the Research Foundation administrative office at [email protected] or (847) 607-6410 and ask to speak to the foundation grants manager.
Application Review
The Research Foundation Research Committee reviews all completed applications received by the deadline through a peer review process. The committee is composed of funded researchers who are members of the ASCRS. Members of the committee serve pro bono and do not participate in evaluation of applications from applicants or institutions in which there is a conflict of interest. Applicants are encouraged to consider the committee’s scoring process when developing their application materials.
Re-Submitting a General Surgery Resident Research Initiation Grant
If you have previously submitted an GSRRIG that was not funded, you may re-submit the same application during the next submission cycle. Re-submissions must adhere to the following:
- In the web-based portal, step 5, indicate the applciation is a resubmission.
- Upload the letter from the Research Foundation indicating what needed to be altered in your original MSRRIG application.
- Include document highlighting what has been altered from the original submission.
- Compile all documens into a singe PDF for upload.
Grant Writing Suggestions
Expectations of Awardees
PHS 398 Forms and Instructions
Grant Recipient Testimonials