Abstract Session: Addressing Future Issues in Colorectal Surgery

Saturday, April 30, 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Room: Ballroom CD

Kristen Crowell, MD, Boston, MA
John Migaly, MD, Durham, NC

1:00 pm          

1:05 pm          
S1 Predicting Surgical Site Infection After Colorectal Surgery Using Machine Learning
K.A. Chen*1, J. Stem1, J.G. Guillem1, S.M. Gomez1, M.R. Kapadia11Chapel Hill, NC

1:11 pm          
1:13 pm          
S2 16S Sequencing of the Mucosal Associated Microbiota Reveals Taxa Associated with Anastomotic Leaks
E. Hoedt*1, G. Carroll1 2 3, B. Stephensen1 2 3, K. Togher1 2 3, M. Morrison1 2 3, V. Vishnoi1 2 3, N.J. Talley1 2 3, S. Keely1 2 3, P. Pockney1 2 31Callaghan, New South Wales, Australia, 2New Lambton Heights, New South Wales, Australia, 3Saint Lucia, Queensland, Australia

1:19 pm          
1:21 pm          
S3 Medicare Reimbursement in Colorectal Surgery: a Growing Problem
G. Han*1, J. Gong1 2 3 4, A. Khurana1 2 3 4, A.E. Eltorai1 2 3 4, J.T. Brady1 2 3 4, K.M. Jogerst1 2 3 41Scottsdale, AZ, 2Providence, RI, 3Rochester, MN, 4Boston, MA

1:27 pm          
1:29 pm          
S4 Effect of Two Different COVID-19 Screening Modalities on Colonoscopy Cancellation
D. Schlund*1, A. Krzyweic1 2, A. Abcarian1 2, G. Gantt1 2, V. Chaudhry1 21Chicago, IL, 2Downers Grove, IL

1:35 pm          
1:37 pm          
S5 Standardized Letters of Recommendation: Not Enough to Prevent Implicit Gender Bias in CRS Applications
A. Al Jabri*1, H. Bhat1 2, J.S. Abelson1 2, E.M. Breen1 2, A.H. Kuhnen1 2, S.L. Stein1 2, E. Steinhagen1 2, J.T. Saraidaridis1 21Burlington, MA, 2Cleveland, OH

1:43 pm          

1:45 pm          
S6 Applicants’ Perspectives on Virtual vs in-Person Colorectal Residency Interviews

J. Abelson1 2 3, A. Al Jabri*1, S.R. Kelley1 2 3, J.D. D'Angelo1 2 3, A.D. D'Angelo1 2 3, S. Husain1 2 31Burlington, MA, 2Rochester, MN, 3Columbus, OH

1:51 pm          
1:53 pm          
Question and Answer

2:00 pm          