ASCRS 2020 Scientific Meeting Banner

Endoscopy Symposium and Pre-recorded Live Surgery Workshop (Non-CME)

Wednesday, May 4, 7:00 am – 12:00 pm

There has been significant expansion of new techniques and instrumentation for advanced endoscopic procedures.  These techniques broaden our ability to perform more complex procedures in a much less invasive way.  As colorectal surgeons, we are uniquely positioned to adopt these techniques and to be leaders in the field of advanced endoluminal procedures.  This symposium will introduce and demonstrate a variety of new advanced endoscopic techniques and their applications. These newer skills can facilitate intraluminal approaches to intestinal diseases and avoid unnecessary abdominal surgeries and resections.

During this workshop attendees will watch a pre-recorded live surgery.


At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:

  1. Become familiar with the available enhanced endoscopic visualization and intra-procedural techniques to predict cancerous risk within a polyp
  2. Review the management of malignant polyps to determine which require segmental resection
  3. Describe the methods indications and uses for endoscopic submucosal resection for colorectal neoplasia and the associated learning curve
  4. Explain the rationale and use of double channel endoscopy to manage advanced colorectal polyps
  5. Highlight the techniques of endoscopic submucosal dissection, combined endo-laparoscopic surgery, and robotic endoluminal surgery
  6. Review the role of advanced endoluminal therapies in inflammatory bowel disease


Lea Lowenfeld, MD, New York, NY

Larry Whelan, MD, New York, NY
Social Media
Isabelle Chumfong Le Leannec, MD, New York, NY

7:00 am               
Lea Lowenfeld, MD, New York, NY
Larry Whelan, MD, New York, NY
7:05 am               
Endoscopic Assessment of Polyps. Seeing is Believing.
Jennifer Paruch, MD, New Orleans, LA
7:20 am                
Management of Malignant Polyps. Did I Just Cure Cancer? Or Does the Patient Need More Surgery?
Sarah Koller, MD, Los Angeles, CA
7:35 am              
Julia Saraidaridis. MD, Burlington, MA
7:50 am           
Do you Even Lift? Bowel Wall Injections  

Larry Whelan, MD, New York, NY
8:05 am               
Panel Questions and Answers for Lectures

8:30 am               
Pre-recorded Live Surgery: Double Channel EMR
Peter Marcello, Burlington, MA
8:45 am               
Case Video 1: Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD)
I. Emre Gorgun. MD, Cleveland, OH
9:05 am               
Pre-recorded Live Surgery: Double Channel ESD
Peter Marcello, Burlington, MA
9:20 am                  
Panel Questions and Answers

9:40 am               
9:55 am               
Case Video 2 – CELS
Sang Lee, MD, Los Angeles, CA
10:05  am               
Panel Questions and Answers

10:15 am            
Teaching and Learning Advanced Endoscopic Techniques

Larry Whelan, MD, New York, NY 

10:25 am            
Case Video 3 – Robotic Endoluminal Surgery
Sam Atallah, MD, Orlando, FL
10:40 am            
Panel Questions and Answers
Submissions from speakers, audience/social media questions, and comments on live surgeries
10:50 am            
Pre-recorded Live Surgery: Double Channel EMR
Peter Marcello, Burlington, MA
11:05 am             
Case Presentations (Full thickness resection, submissions from the panel)
11:30 am           
Panel Questions and Answers with Case Presentations (from Lecture 1-4 and live surgery moderators)
11:55 am            
Closing remarks

12:00 pm